Monday, June 2, 2008

Learn the Principles of Ayurvedic Healing and Massage July 21 - July 25, 2008

There are 107 primary physical marma points with a number of minor points which are not classified. We will identify the marmas so that, once familiar with the location and effects of the points, you will be more able to incorporate this awareness during a massage, while practicing yoga postures, or in your breathing practice to stimulate the subtle nerves (nadis) and energy centers (chakras) of the body and mind. This training will open the doorway into the Ayurvedic view of how the body is nourished and detoxified with energy therapies.


Monday July 21 - 6pm - 9pm.............. Introduction To Ayurvedic Principles Tuesday July 22 - 10am - 4pm ............ Distal Point Marma Therapy
Wednesday July 23 - 10am - 4pm ........... Full Body Marma Therapy
Thursday July 24 - 10am - 4pm............. Abhyanga Massage
Friday July 25 - 9:30am - 5pm......... Shirodhara + Nasya + Karna Purana

These classes are open to massage therapists, yoga practitioners, estheticians, nurses and other healthcare providers. Non professional bodyworkers may be admitted in some cases. Please feel free to let us know of your interest and questions. Call 860 395 0282

"Watching today's massage therapy profession evolve, largely unaware of the root correspondences connecting their modern massage practices to ancient Vedic principles transformed into a mission for me, to articulate the universal Vedic connections to bodyworkers in a manner that they could follow and use. I offer this training to bring a deeper texture to any practicing massage therapist’s work.Above all, I offer this Ayurvedic Massage training with humility, love and gratitude to my revered teachers, whose very lives embodied and exemplified the truths of Yoga and Ayurveda, and to the rishis and masters who accompany me in my life’s work. They are the roots, this training: the fruit. "
Carollanne Crichton, LMT + Instructor

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Dear Carollanne,

With great interest I've seen your dvd abour Ayurvedic massage over and over again. I'm very entusiastic about the massage and bodytreatments for well being for other persons. At this moment I'm working partime in a spa and partime as a french teachter, My interest in Ayurveda came half a year ago and every day I would love tolearn more things! I would really like to ask you if there are possibilitys to follow classes or courses under your guidance? i've already your dvd but would really love to learn from the best "live" I live on the beautiful island called Curacao and don't know if you offer classes for a certain period. maybe I can come to teh US then?
Hope to hear from you soon and thank you already for answering,

Niencke Custers